Collaborating to develop high quality, sustainable, eco-friendly roads.


Pank Ry (Päällystealan neuvottelukunta Ry) also known as the Finnish Asphalt Pavement Association (FAPA) is a non-profit organization with the goal of improving the overall conditions in the paving industry equally for all members.

The main mission of FAPA is to develop and promote methods that enhance the conditions in the industry, with an emphasis on constructing and maintaining roads paved with asphalt as well as other materials in the optimal way, while taking into account the economic and ecological effects and demands of the transportation of both goods and people.

FAPA is open to all organisations involved in the industry, so its membership base includes road authorities, municipalities, towns, research institutes, paving companies, planning companies and companies that provide machinery, equipment and materials to the industry.

The association is governed by a Board of 14 members aided by 8 Committees in charge of their respective areas of the industry.

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